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Follow Up These Social Media Influencers Today

Follow Up These Social Media Influencers Today

The impact of social media on the youth can never be overlooked be it in the form of either positive or negative. Social media, with the advancements in technology, is gaining a lot of ground. While it is a source of inspiration and motivation for people on one hand, it is way too toxic for some others as well. But let’s just consider the positivity the media is coming up with nowadays and is inculcating it in the youth to become a better version of themselves.

Instagram Influencers

When it comes to influence someone through the electronic media, Instagram has always been on the lead. Research in this sector has shown that Instagram has played a very crucial role in bringing new motives and inspiration for most of our youth. The youth has accepted and proudly accepted to gain a lot of directions through this media and from the influencers. Some of the Instagram influencers who have gained remarkable fame through this forum and are known to give directions to the dreams of a lot of people include the following:

Just like her name indicates, Miss Tough is known to do extremely tough tasks in her life. Her major primarily includes mountain climbing and running. She is an enthusiast mountain lover whose love for mountains had helped her surpass so many tough situations in her life. Being a tree hugger and an endurance traveler, she had made it to almost all of the continents of the world. She finds fun in adventures and is always up for climbing.

It is impossible for a person having interest in adventure to be oblivious of Sarah Leighton. She, over the years, has successfully outplayed so many adventures with worthwhile success. With the queerest challenges, she has shown that dedication and enthusiasm can help one get through all the difficulties.

Miss Smith is an all-rounder who is known for her multitasking. Her, being an all-rounder, is what made her gain a lot of fame. Nature is her first love. She probably loved studying ecology from the very start. She is helping thousands of needy people out there to make both the ends meet.

When she first began her career, Findlay never knew she would be able to come along this length. She went against the stereotypes and the norms set by the society that said and somehow still believes that sports are just a boys thing. She proved by her proficiency in the field that sports and climbing can never be gender biased. The one who has skill and dedication can easily surpass this. Media anchors and hosts are always looking for chances to get the great lady in their interviews and podcasts. Aspirants look up to her!

Photography and filmmaking are Leong’s majors. She has the perfect skills to capture all the moments in her camera thus keeping them serve as nostalgia for her in later years of her life. Jessie shares all her adventures on her Instagram feed which is absolutely amazing because of the content she makes.

These are just a few influencers whose positive effect on the youth is highly appreciated. There are a number of other Adventurous Women to Follow on Instagram.


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